Podstawek do espresso 11 cm TAIKA SATO Espresso Saucer


88,00 zł brutto

100,00 zł



The Taika Sato collection combines illustrations by Klaus Haapaniemi with a functional design by Heikki Orvola. Inspired by still lives in art, the Taika Sato pattern features magical fruit and vegetables.

Głęb.Szer.W 11 cm
Motyw Rośliny, Owoce, Warzywa
Materiał Porcelana
Kolor Granatowy

Produkt dostępny w magazynie.

Wysyłka w 24H

4 Przedmioty

The Taika Sato collection combines illustrations by Klaus Haapaniemi with a functional design by Heikki Orvola. Inspired by still lives in art, the Taika Sato pattern features magical fruit and vegetables. The small saucer (11 cm) is ideal for serving and adding a unique touch to the table setting. It can also be used as a saucer for the espresso cup. Thanks to its versatility, the Taika Sato saucer (11 cm) is a perfect gift – the only limit to its variety of uses is your imagination. The bowl is microwave-safe and dishwasher-safe.  

Width11 cmLength11 cmHeight1.5 cmWeight0.128 kg

In the Taika Sato series, introduced in 2024, Finnish artist Klaus Haapaniemi interprets garden fruits and vegetables in his distinctively rich and detailed style. The shapes and colors are intentionally abstract, leaving room for interpretation. In addition to his own garden, Haapaniemi drew inspiration for the illustrations from still-life art and botanical drawings, which adds a further layer of ambiguity to the designs. Instead of repetitive patterns, each item in the series is a unique individual, yet they fascinatingly complement each other. Named after two Finnish nouns, 'magic' and 'harvest', Taika Sato is sure to add a touch of harvest charm to all of your table settings.

Klaus Haapaniemi

Klaus Haapaniemi – człowiek, o którym głośno w świecie mody, sztuki i aranżacji wnętrz, a nawet branży wydawniczej. Jego nazwisko kojarzą trendsetterzy modowi, pasjonaci designu, a nawet dzieci, którym rodzice czytają bajki do snu. Urodził się w 1970 r. w stolicy Finlandii – Helsinkach, pracuje w Londynie i uwielbia czeskiego Krecia. W dzieciństwie lubił bajki, z tą różnicą, że zamiast je czytać, wolał kreować ich bohaterów i efektom swej wyobraźni nadawać szkice w notatniku. 


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