born in 1959, he graduated from the academy of decorative arts in nice in 1985 and a year later took a post-graduate course at the domus academy in milan. from 1986 to 1988 he worked with martine bedin in milan, and from 1988 to 1993 with philippe starck in paris. his first items of furniture, issued by xo, date from 1991. since may 1993 he has been working as an independent designer. his work ranges from furniture to product design, from interior design to architecture and exhibit design. he works, among others, with artelano, cappellini, ceccotti, jc decaux, driade, mazzega, moroso, trussardi, daum, moët e chandon, ecart international, lacoste lancome, l’oreal, shiseido, whirlpool. nominated creator of the year in 1995, he has exhibited his works at the georges pompidou center in paris, at the museum of decorative arts in lucerne and at many other prestige venues. among his most recent works or works in progress, we cite a set of accessories for lacoste, a lamp collection for mazzega, a catherine malandrino corner at harrod’s, london, catherine malandrino shops in new york, a line of carpets for toulemonde bochart, the redken salons in the united states, the hotel seizz in paris and the jean-claude jitrois shop in london.