Poster 50x70 HAMSA HANDS by Anna Morner

Paper Collective

245,00 zł brutto

350,00 zł



Swedish artist Anna Mörner brings her mix of classism and bold expression to a series of hand painted works. Hamsa Hands plays on the abstract and the spiritual with two red hands dangling from the top and bottom of the image. Meeting in the center, two eyes connect to create a face in the meeting of negative and positive space.

Wysokość.H 70
Głęb.Szer.W 50
Motyw Ludzie
Materiał Papier
Kolor Czerwony

Produkt dostępny w magazynie.

Wysyłka w 24H

1 Przedmiot

Swedish artist Anna Mörner brings her mix of classism and bold expression to a series of hand painted works. Hamsa Hands plays on the abstract and the spiritual with two red hands dangling from the top and bottom of the image. Meeting in the center, two eyes connect to create a face in the meeting of negative and positive space.

Swedish based artist Ann Mörner’s work extends across painting and illustration, ceramics and instillations. Her unique approach to colour and linework can be seen in her pieces, from figurative to more abstract forms. Creating work with a bold sense of purpose and character, she has collaborated with companies including Frama and Marrimekko.
When you buy this poster you help building the Paper Collective School in Nepal.